Listserver | ITS @ UDM

UDM Listserver

All Publicly Availible Lists
Updated October 25, 2024 @ 19:00

Click on the list name to join, leave, or see more information about the list.

List Description
Sigma_Theta_Tau International Honor Society for Nursing
Socmin Jesuit sharing group
Sophia_spiritum Philosophy Club Listserver
SPB Student Programming Board
SSWA-UDM Student Social Work Association
Student_success_center SSC Staff
Students All currently active students except Dental and Law School students
Students-Architecture All currently active School of Architecture students.
Students-Business All currently active College of Business Administration students.
Students-Business-Grad All currently active College of Business Administration graduate students.
Students-Business-Undergrad All currently active College of Business Adminsitration undergraduate students.
Students-CHASS All currently active College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences students.
Students-CHP All currently active College of Health Professions students.
Students-CLAE All currently active College of Liberal Arts and Education students.
Students-Dental All currently active School of Dentistry students.
Students-ES All currently active College of Engineering and Science students.
Students-ES-Undergrads All currently active undergrads in College of Engineering & Science
Students-International All currently active international students
Students-Law All currently active School of Law students.
Students-Residence All currently active students living in residence.
Students-SACD All currently active students in the School of Architecture and Community Development.
Students-Student_Employees All currently employed students
Students-Undergrads_Senior_Rank All currently active students with senior rank.
Students-University_College All currently active students in University College
Students_plus_Dental_Law All currently active students including Dental and Law

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z / Other