Listserver | ITS @ UDM

UDM Listserver

UDM Listserver Policies

1. Please read and save your initial subscription welcome message. It contains important information about managing your discussion group membership including how to sign off from the list if you decide to do so.

2. Please learn the 'netiquette' of discussion lists; don't send to messages intended for an individual to the whole group.

3. Please remember the intent of the list; it is not appropriate to post commercial announcements.

4. Please do not post dire virus warnings even if you believe they are genuine. Many of these are hoaxes and simply a waste of time. Please send messages concerning viruses to the UDM Network Administrator for evaluation and an annoucement will be posted if appropriate.

5. Please do not post e-mail petitions or other types of chain mail/spam. These various e-mail petitions, while often well intentioned, are simply not effective and waste system resources.

6. Please NEVER attach any kind of executable file (a program) to an e-mail going to the list. This is one way computer viruses can be spread and poses a serious security problem for the list members.

7. Please do not post other attachments of any kind to the list. Many macro viruses can reside in document files, such as Microsoft Word documents. Cut and paste the relevant content into your mail message or let only those individuals who want the attachment request it from you via direct email.

8. Please sign off the list any time you are losing access to the mail system you are using. When you graduate, your UDM account will not stay active; if you will be without e-mail for a period, please sign off and then re-subscribe when you have e-mail again.

9. Any list that does not have a new post within eight(8) months will be deleted and their archives stored for six(6) months. After that time the archives will also be deleted.

10. Any list who's owner is no longer affiliated with the university will be deleted unless a new owner can be assigned to the list. The list archives will be stored for six(6) months, after which they will also be deleted.
The University of Detroit Mercy Listserver is for UDM related activities only. Ownership of lists on is restricted to UDM faculty, staff, registered student organizations, and current members of the student body. Creation of lists on is restricted to UDM faculty and staff. Any student or registered student organization wishing to have a mailing list must contact either there faculty advisor or
Since your list will be running on Univeristy-owned equipment, it must adhere to the University of Detroit Mercy Computing Policy. Once you list has been created, you will responsible for it's content. Although it is unlikely that users of your list would misuse resources associated with its functioning, it is important that you remain aware of how it is being used. The listserver adminstrator is available to provide guidnece if you encounter any "awkward" situtations during your role as a list owner.
Mailing lists are an important way for the University community to distribute information and important announcements. faculty and students can share ideas and off campus students can feel more involved with their on-campus peers. The University of Detroit Mercy provides free e-mail accounts to all registered students, faculty and staff that is accessible from anywhere in the world via it's Web Interface. The Listserver is available to provide another method upon which the University community can participate in the wired world.